Monday, February 13, 2012
10:54 PM
Catch Myself Catching Myself
Thought I'd do a quick post cos I'm sleepy, yet I can't sleep.
Picture post next time (once I gather more nice pictures).
Firstly, thank you to all my family/relatives and friends for sending me off.
I still broke down anyway. It's the aiport's fault.
You know...the feeling of being at the airport and leaving? Yupp.
First Day of ArrivalSo I arrived. Thank god for the 2 seniors- Phoebe and Adeline- whom I've met during the Pre-Departure briefing in Singapore.
So nice of them to help me with my luggage (I had 2 luggages weighing 38kg in total) and waiting for me to get picked-up by the University.
Faced difficulty in pulling my luggages and carrying my laptop, and this hallmate's father offered to help pull it to the reception area when we arrived at the hall. Thank you!
(Oh I finally talked to this hallmate and her friend today at the Business School!)
Then we had no lifts in the hall.
(What was I thinking when I packed so much things into my luggage, knowing that I'm here by myself?)
So this senior hall resident also helped me pull the luggage and carried it up the stairs all the way to my room. Thank you!
Thank god for all these wonderful people.
Shortly after settling into the room, the seniors brought me out for dinner.
Had Jus Burgers. A little expensive but portion was big and meat was nice (free-range).
Second Day of ArrivalMet up with the girl whom I met at the briefing too.
Nothing to do on a Sunday (so quiet...) and it was difficult for us to get to the city since we haven't got our student concession cards, so I went to her house to slack after she bade her parents goodbye.
The 2 seniors, again, came to pick us up.
Drove us to the city to get what we needed and cooked dinner for us at one of their homes!
Simple dinner, but really nice homecooked food.
Slacked the night away by eating and chatting.
Okay, that's prolly that's all for now.
Picture post soon.